Balance Your Diet. Energize Your Life.

It could be we suffer from information-overload when it comes to nutrition and health. How do we determine which plans are based on sound research and which are merely the next weight loss fad? Especially when everyone out there claims to be THE expert with credentials to prove it.

The truth is healthful eating does play a vital role in overall well-being. And sustained weight loss can only happen through the development of deliberate, balanced nutrition habits. Personally Fit's nutrition specialists help you sort through the “nutrition noise” and find an eating plan that works for you. The goal is to make food your fuel, charging your life with the nutrients you need to feel great and look good, too.

F.U.E.L. (Fuel Used as Energy for Life)

A group weight loss program that walks you through the process of transforming your diet, F.U.E.L. provides strategies for success each week by identifying foods that sabotage your energy and bloat your body. Conducted by a registered dietician, F.U.E.L. sparks weight loss through balanced nutrition and healthy eating patterns. Each week, a nutrition specialist conducts your group's weigh in and helps you to develop healthy eating patterns by discussing meal habits, revealing practical tips, and sharing recipes all while teaching you to tap into your faith and inner power for continued success. F.U.E.L. combines the power of group support with an effective leader who empowers you with the knowledge and faith necessary for long-term success.

This program is offered at different times throughout the year.